Dependencies in component web done right

We live in a component-based world. And complex components are based on simple ones. This implies the need to express dependencies between them. Most existing methods have notable disadvantages: hardcode, refactoring complexity, large amount of manual work and so on.

At Yandex we thought of a way to get rid of all these dependency problems. In this talk a new approach will be shown, using building with Gulp and Webpack as an example. Also a package will be shown that not only lets build React projects in such a way but also provides multiple inheritance for React components.

Talk language: RU

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Vladimir Grinenko

Vladimir Grinenko

Team leader of shared component interfaces group at Yandex. Participated in development of the main page, internal services and portal components. Engaged in the development of BEM and gladly answers questions about the methodology. Supports multiple open source projects. Gave talks at numerous international IT conferences.